Category Archives: News

First Bay Area Post; Comcast, AD, and Tinyballs

The last four days I haven’t been in tune with the sports world or anything for that matter. My world is getting a pleasant change. I moved from LA up to the Bay Area, which is probably where I belong, and while driving up you know I bumped this E-40 song a couple times. Anyways I didn’t catch any football, baseball, or anything on TV for that matter Saturday through Tuesday. It feels like a rarity in this day in age.

I never remember having too many problems with Comcast when I lived in Monterey, but MCeezy warned us all of how deceitful and retarded they can be at any given moment. First, they schedule an appointment on Sunday (the day I was moving in) which was perfect, because you want internet and TV the day you start living somewhere. Oh yeah, and that landline too, who can live without one of those! I never understood how a service could be $10 cheaper a month with adding a landline opposed to not having one. Anyways, a rep came out, but couldn’t seem to get the job done for one reason or another. Two days later they finally sent out a competent rep leaving me with a missed weekend of football and MLB playoff games. How did they apologize? A free movie rental on demand. Yipee… Anyways, this is not a good start to my Comcast experience, so hopefully I don’t have to write some rants like Mceezy did (Even though I wasn’t expecting a good experience).

To hear Al Davis died was somewhat shocking, and I think I got about 10 texts about it that Saturday morning. It was an odd way to start packing the moving truck to say the least. I mean he was old, but who would’ve thought the Grim Reaper could really die!?! Al meant so much to football as a whole, and I can’t add too much that hasn’t already been said in tributes everywhere, but he meant even more to Raiders fans than I can even put into words. He will be missed. It’s strange how sports can rally people, and naturally I hope the players dedicate the rest of their games to him this year. I got to catch the abbreviated version of the game against Houston on NFL Network this morning, so hopefully they play with that kind of emotion for the remainder of the year.

I don’t have much else to say except, I’m glad I have the internet to find clips like the two below. Sorry if you’re tired of the whole Moneyball story as we keep bringing it up on here, but here’s a SNL spoof for “Tinyballs” that was funny. The second clip needs no introduction except for lucky popsicle!

Free Phoenix Jones, A Different Kind of Justice

I’ve never heard of this guy, or any of his cohorts, but apparently there’s a Kickass-esque band of superheroes fighting crime in Seattle. None of these superheroes have criminal justice degrees or any formal training as officers. Naturally, the police are threatened by the prospect of anyone doing a better job than they do, so it’s no surprise that Phoenix Jones was arrested for assault for pepper-spraying some people. Fortunately for him, the incident was captured on video. Unfortunately for him, the police appear to stubborn to accept what is shown in the video. Jones contends he was breaking up a fight. The police say the people were dancing. Typical. The video is a little shaky, but it looks more like a fight than dancing. Considering one guy was on the ground and people scattered as soon as Jones arrived on the scene. Why would people run away if they were just dancing? At the very least, the video clearly shows that Jones wasn’t just pepper-spraying people for no reason. He was the one being assaulted. God only knows what would have happened in the 20+ minutes it took police to show up.

Phoenix Jones Stops Assault from Ryan McNamee on Vimeo.

A Life Changing Six Minutes

I’m not sure how many of Japan’s Tsunami/Earthquake video I’ve watched over the last few days, but it’s probably close to the same amount of sports I’ve watched over that same period of time, and that’s saying something. The video above is the best first person video I’ve seen yet. It starts off as a little water coming down the street with some debris, then cars, then freaking buildings as the person filming heads to higher ground. It’s amazing how much life can change in five minutes, and has me wondering when the next big earthquake is going to hit LA. Should I be worried living on the coast? Videos like this make me think I should be a little.

Of course I feel for all the people in Japan, you wouldn’t be human if you didn’t. One of my friends that has most of his family living in Japan, and visits the country yearly summed it up the day after the earthquake best saying “Today felt so weird. To be around so many people who don’t understand, but to be so far away that you don’t understand yourself.”

Sterling and Sheen

Today, Donald Sterling, released this promo above saying that 1,000 underprivilaged kids and thier parents can go to a game for free in support of Black History Month. Sterling is well known for being racist, heckling his own players, and not caring about anything that doesn’t effect his pocket book. Not sure what you can read into this poster since Black History Month was obviously in February. All kinds of unintentional comedy with this one. The picture is classic, because Sterling has probably one of the whitest black guys out there for the ad. Only reason I say that is because my girlfriend always calls me White instead of Asian… I’d nominate Al-Farouq Aminu, because he descends from a line of Nigerian kings.

Speaking of crazy people that make little to no sense with their actions, Charlie Sheen has made himself into the most quotable guy in recent memory. I’ve always been a fan of Sheen, he had me with the Chase and Major League. I don’t know many people who liked Two and a Half Men, but he’s living the lifestyle that many men wish they could. Yes, he’s got major problems, but his problems don’t seem all that bad when you are constantly winning! I watched him on the Today Show interview and shortly after on his TMZ interview, and thought it would be fun to make a list of my favorite quotes from his wild non-drug enduced tirade.

Drugs and Winning

“I am on a drug, it’s called Charlie Sheen. It’s not available because if you try it you will die. Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body.”

“The only thing I’m addicted to right now is winning,” “Just winning every second,” “Winning, anyone?” “Duh, winning!”

“Drug tests don’t lie. Scoreboard doesn’t lie. Duh. Winning.”

On Himself

“Come on, bro, I won best picture at 20. I wasn’t even trying. Wasn’t even warm yet”

“I tried marriage. I’m 0 for 3 with the marriage thing. So, being a ballplayer — I believe in numbers. I’m not going 0 for 4. I’m not wearing a golden sombrero.”

“I’m tired of pretending I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending like I’m not bitching a total fricking rock star from Mars, and people can’t figure me out; they can’t process me. I don’t expect them to. You can’t process me with a normal brain.”

On Rehab aka His House

“We couldn’t really call it rehab because we didn’t have a license to operate one, so it was a crisis management center that we labeled the Sober Valley Lodge. Its primary client achieved radical success.”

“AA was written for normal people. People that don’t have tiger blood and Adonis DNA, I survived drug addiction because I’m me. I’m different. I have a different constitution, I have a different brain, I have a different heart. I got tiger blood, man.”

That’s a lot of quotes from one man in two days. There were some others, but this was already getting longer than I expected, because every thing he says is pure gold! I wouldn’t mind being on the drug called Charlie Sheen, unless he is right and it does kill you… I’m going to try and incorporate as many of his quotes into my daily life as possible.

Thanksgiving Weekend Leftovers

Now that the food coma has settled down from the weekend, I realized that there were tons of things that happened that I didn’t get a chance to reflect on. Now that it’s back to the grind, I can collect some thoughts on the weekend that was Thanksgiving, and give you some of my leftover thoughts.

Leslie Neilsen

It was sad to hear this morning that Leslie Neilsen died last night from pneumonia at the tender age of 84. “The Naked Gun” series was easily one of my favorites growing up, and fell slightly behind “Back to the Future” in the times watched category. In my eyes, Leslie started the spoof/making fun of movies that were already made game, and set the bar way too high for the Waynes Brothers to duplicate with one possible exception “Don’t be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Juice in the Hood”. It’s amazing how times have changed, and even though he’s gone now, Frank Drebbin, errr, I mean, Enrique Palazzo will always be the best hometown umpire we’ve ever seen to call a game (too bad it benefitted the Angels). Thanks for the laughs Leslie, you will always be remembered.

The WolfPack Takes Down Boise State

I had mixed emotions about this game. I’m friends with a ton of UNR graduates, so I was happy for them that Nevada won. At the same time, I was also rooting for Boise to have a shot at the title game, but they didn’t come through. I’ve never pretended to understand the BCS rankings, but doesn’t it seem like Nevada should be ranked higher than Boise since they just beat them?!? I guess not… It was a great game if you didn’t see it, it was shocking that the WolfPack came back from such a large deficit. I really felt bad for the Boise State’s kicker, who missed two field goals at the end of the game. He killed off two years, and 24 straight wins of hard work to get that program to the point where they had a shot at being in the National Championship in a span of a mere twenty minutes. It might have been the least forgivable performance since Andres Escobar scored his own goal in the 1994 World Cup, but fortunately for Kyle Brotzman (the Boise kicker), he lives in America instead of Columbia, and I doubt will be killed for it. He might have to do a Bartman type relocation, but in the end, that’s not that bad. Hopefully he doesn’t turn out like Finkle and kidnap Kellen Moore just before their bowl game next year.

Spygate Part Deux Continue reading

Doin Animal Attacks

CBS released the footage above today. This is the most recent chapter of when animals attack, unless you count a cowboy taking out a reporter in the pregame this past weekend. This however is as intense as gets in the circus ring. I guess that’s why I chose the safe career route, and instead sit at a cubicle all day where the biggest threat to my health is carpel tunnel. I never thought the trainers treated their animals very well, and these lions must have felt the same way. There’s no concrete reason as to why an animal would attack, but prodding them with that pole isn’t helping anything. The thing I didn’t understand about the trainers actions was that he kept prodding the lions after they had already attacked him, and the lion seemed to be pulling back. I doubt we’ll ever know what provokes animals to attack, but I know that this trainer is lucky to have both his arms still intact! This whole thing reminded me of a Dave Attell bit on why animals attack. Enjoy if you’ve never heard it!

Caption Contest Giveaway!!

What do people want most in life? FREE STUFF! We’ve brought you discounts on tickets, apparel, and golf crap, now we bring you our first ever giveaway. No, hackers didn’t jump on our account and post this, we are really giving something away for nothing more than a few words. All you have to do is think up a good caption for the picture below that we took in China of this guy passed out face first on the cement in a park. Can you believe we saw Yao there, and didn’t even  mention it!?! We have a $35 gift card that can be used for thousands of online products that you will learn about if you win. Nothing is out of bounds for the caption; race, religion, cussing, etc. I’m not sure exactly how many readers we have out there, but I’d bet that your chances are pretty good in winning if you play along.

To enter the contest, either leave a caption in the comments section below (make sure your e-mail is correct) or you can email us using the subject “caption contest” at The contest will run through the end of Labor Day weekend, so if you think of a better one than your first submission feel free to submit that one too. We will declare a winner, and notify you via e-mail with your prize. Good luck!

Employer Nails Maid

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka — A Sri Lankan maid returned from her job in Saudi Arabia with 24 nails inside her body — the result of torture by the family who employed her, according to a doctor and a government official.

L.G. Ariyawathi’s body is riddled with needles and nails, which are scheduled to be removed Friday, a doctor confirmed.

Ariyawathi, 49, returned to Sri Lanka on Saturday from Saudi Arabia and was hospitalized the next day with severe pain at a facility about 100 miles away from capital, Colombo, according to media reports.

She told a local newspaper that her employers tortured her with the nails as punishment.

I’m pretty sure when you take a job as a housekeeper in Saudi Arabia, you can probably throw out your OSHA handbook. I wouldn’t expect the working conditions to be ideal, but being impaled with 24 nails seems a bit extreme. Click here for the full story, if nothing else, to see the x-ray pictures.

Tiger Should’ve Listened to Eddie!

By now I’m sure you’ve heard about Tiger’s record divorce settlement that rewarded his now ex-wife Elin, around $750 million, and is the largest ever dolled out by any athlete. I have to say I think Tiger should’ve listened to Eddie. I don’t know a friend or college student that hasn’t watched Eddie Murphy’s bid at one of the best all time standup routines ever in Raw. His breakdown of marriage and divorce for celebrities is something every celebrity and superstar should learn from. Maybe Tiger was hitting the books too hard at Stanford to have time to watch something that would make him smile. Apparently that was his big loss. He was married in 2004 well after the Tiger slam, and he was on top of the world rolling in money and endorsements. Why wouldn’t he have gotten a prenup knowing his thirst for women was so strong?!? Oh well, live and learn I guess… I’m sure he’ll return to billionaire form before you know it. Now that he’s got a clear mind and conscious, maybe he will start dominating again on the course, and show us FU mode once again. One thing I’d like to see is D-Wade and Tiger throw a big singles party somewhere in Florida. Maybe even at that $80 million Jupiter house that Tiger refused to give to Elin in the settlement!

Move Over Pablo Sandoval

We brought you the good ol Japanese Fart Dance, the Governator in a very weird commercial, the hilarious Japanese Game Show, and now we bring you the Kung Fu Bear. I saw this one a last week, but forgot about it until just now. I don’t know what the Japanese are doing over there training bears how to use a weapon, but maybe it’s easier than training Pandas. If he ends up with a samurai sword in his paws in a few years, I’m going to start getting scared. Either way this is one impressive bear that is making use of his spare time!

In Case You Needed Some Coco in Your Life Again

We’ve made it well known that we are fans of big fans of Conan O’Brien, and he IS the comedic voice of our generation. I will watch him whether it’s on youtube or TBS. I feel like he’s sincere in his approach to comedy, and really understands the younger generation. Some late night hosts, put off the vibe that they truly do view their show as a job and only worry about plugging the sponsors and the network. Conan on the other hand, feels like he’s actually having fun doing his job. I think that is what has drawn me to the guy over the past decade plus. I really wish I had known about his comedy tour before I saw the youtube clip below from his trip to Google’s headquarters, because I definitely would’ve tried to go. I guess I’ll have to follow his twitter account a little closer now.

Anyways, if you enjoy Conan, and are missing him in his absence from late night TV, here’s a great hour long video that is well worth a watch. He has some great insights into being a celebrity, and the crazy people he runs across that think they know him. He even busts out his best Ludacris impersonation. There’s also a portion where Andy Richter is with him on stage, and I have to say some of the employee questions were pretty good. The best part about this whole appearance may not have been his comedy, but when he described his falling out with NBC (around 15 minute mark he gets into it). He continues to talk about the breakup sporadically throughout the rest of the hour.

Is Teabagging Going Too Far?!?

This looks worse than getting teabagged...

The other day I made my first splash into College Baseball posts, and today I ran across a story that got me a little peeved about a Middle school track team, and was inspired to pop my second cherry in as many weeks. The story can be read here, and is about two Iowa middle school track kids are being accused of “tackling a teammate, and placing their testicles on his face (aka teabagging)“. The boys aparantly tackled the victim to the gound and commensed the teabagging hazing just before practice. The victim who hasn’t been named, filed charges on the two “hazers” on April 13th.

I’ll be the first to admit I’ve witnessed some ruthless stuff growing up that probably went a little too far at times (especially in college), but in the end it was just part of growing up as a normal guy. Hell, my High School hazed all their freshmen by making us walk through an arch while the upper classmen hucked pennies at us as we walked through the lamest archway ever made. That tradition didn’t last long (only two years I believe). Anyways, in every sport there is hazing, and some of it might turn a little gay, but at the time it’s usually more funny than gay.  Even in the pros there is hazing, just ask any rookie on any team. You can bet that Richard Seymour is going to make Lamarr Houston his bitch this year out in Oakland. There is no way I can say that I wouldn’t have been pissed about getting teabagged when I was the kid, but there is noway in hell I’d be mad enough to file charges! What happened to getting even the old fashion way?!? Cmon kid, get them back with a solid prank instead of getting all legal with it! Even a 14-year-old should be able to come up with a get even scheme. If these two hazing kids serve any Juvenile Hall time for this that would be the true crime. Teabagging is nothing compared to the horrific broomstick fiasco we heard about awhile back. If you want to cringe a little, here’s that link….

Conan Doin Late Night Again

Our favorite funny man will be returning to his late night throne. We here at Doin Work have a special connection to Conando, because he is our generation’s best late night show host. Conan O’Brien has agreed to terms with TBS, and will be starting his late night show in November at the 11:00PM slot. This will move George Lopez’s show to midnight. Make what you want out of him pushing someone back a timeslot after he had the same thing happen to him, and caused a huge uproar, but in my eyes Conan can do no wrong. Most had predicted he would go to Fox, but he ended up going to TBS. Lopez welcomed him to the network last night on his show saying that he would happily move time slots to accommodate Conan, and that they would be the best late night duo out there in a pretty weak list of options. Personally, I thought wherever Conan landed he would instantly give the station he went to the best late night show. I’ve been a huge fan of his for the past decade, and probably watched late night TV two or three times a week when he was on. Now I’d rather just watch a rerun of Family Guy or The Office, so it will good be good to have a little Coco back in my life next winter. Conan had this to say about getting the new show, “In three months I’ve gone from network television to Twitter to performing live in theater, and now I’m headed to basic cable. My plan is working perfectly.”  

I can’t say the Lopez Show really piqued my interest at any point in its existence, so moving it back an hour won’t be making me stay up any later to watch it. I’m not a fan of George’s comedy, but I do like him as a person. He used to come into my old workplace a lot (Pebble Beach) and would hand out money to people, and make fun of my bosses. He once tried to give me $100 for giving him a ride up to his car after his round. I told him it wasn’t necessary, and he said everyone has to eat, so I accepted. At the AT&T Pro-Am tournament he regularly throws wads of $20’s into the crowd making it rain on the 18th green before he posts his scorecard. The guy is plain unselfish, and is the kind of guy that wouldn’t mind giving the spotlight away to Conan.

Today’s Headlines… Ricky Martin is Gay; Trees Are Flammable

(Reuters) – Latin pop star Ricky Martin on Monday announced he was gay in a blog posting, ending years of speculation.

“I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man,” Martin wrote in a blog posting at

“This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids were born with,” Martin wrote.

Martin, 38, became a father to twin sons via a surrogate in 2008 and at the time no details were given about the birth or the mother.

The Puerto Rican singer of hits such as “Livin’ la Vida Loca,” has long been the subject of speculation about his sexuality. In 2000, TV journalist Barbara Walters grilled him about whether he was gay, but he refused to disclose it.

Anybody surprised? Didn’t think so. I’m glad we can all put this to rest, because not only were we all so unsure of Ricky Martin’s sexuality, but it was that important as well. Here’s a timeline of Ricky Martin’s significance in my life…. 1999: Martin bursts onto the scene with “Livin La Vida Loca”;  2004: William Hung gains notoriety for his cover of Martin’s “She Bangs”;  2010: Martin confirms he is gay.

As you can see, it’s been long storied history. It feels really good to finally close the case on this one. At least he’s a “fortunate homosexual man,” as opposed to an unfortunate one. Maybe I’m over-analyzing here, but I take that to mean that a fortunate homosexual man is one who can get women, but chooses to be gay; while an unfortunate homosexual man is one who couldn’t get women so they had to resort to men. Am I mistaken here?

Introducing Doin Works Newest Writer

After intense negotiations the Doin Work team was lucky enough to land the highly sought after free agent writer know around the blogging community as, Sports Guy By! Fortunately for us, he’s heavily into the Bay Area sports world as much as we are. He’s also a contributor for the fantasy website, so if you happen to read any previews for the Suns, Lakers, or Warriors, he most likely wrote it!

He offers up a slightly different sense of humor and opinion than the rest of us, but that is far from a bad thing! Hell, he might even be the alpha dog of the site before it’s all said and done. There is no doubt in the management’s mind that he will blend in seamlessly with the crew already assembled.

Immediate fan reactions were positive, since most had no idea they could lock up such a quality writer with their obviously very low to non-existent payroll according to Forbes. The growing feeling is that he could single handedly bring Doin Work to the next level! For those that are unfamiliar with his work just check out his blog.