Karma’s Bite

I am a strong believer in karma, and the majority of the time, karma works against me, but in the case of the first two weeks of the NFL season, it actually works in my favor.

Why you ask?  Because the Minnesota Vikings are 0-2.

Brett Favre has never been bitten in the butt, he’s never gotten what he deserved for the circus-like soap opera of a show he puts on every single off-season.  I’m going to retire.  I’m not.  This is it for me.  I love the game too much.  And on and on and on.  It’s disgusting.  Finally the football gods have had enough, and they’ve inflicted karma onto the divo.  The Vikings are 0-2, and yes they can talk about how they won the division two years ago after dropping their first two, but it ain’t happening again.  Not with Favre and the Scarlett Letter “K” he has sewn on to his jersey.  What I’m loving the most out of Favre, is the fact that he’s absolutely not having fun right now.  The media, NFL commentators, and all of his groupies always mention how he is a grown man kid, whose love for the game is similar to a child who loves his Legos.  Like he’s some innocent, wide-eyed infant.  You name me a kid who holds an entire organization and it’s fan base, in fact an entire league hostage.  Kid my ass.  Well watching Favre this season, it doesn’t look like he’s having fun at all.  Which means I’m having crazy fun!

I had high hopes for my San Francisco 49ers, and since they’re going nowhere fast, watching Brett Favre perform like a worn out pair of Wranglers jeans is a great consolation prize.  The thread is going to rip at any moment.

If Favre wins the gold medal in receiving karma, than Reggie Bush gets the silver.  I like Reggie Bush the player.  He lucked into a great situation because Sean Payton has done a brilliant job utilizing Bush in different formations to get him out in the open field.  Bush will never be the USC Bush in the NFL, but he’s definitely a weapon now.  But while at USC, he cheated, plain and simple.  And when the eligibility of his Heisman trophy was put into question, he returned the award, yet stated it was not an admission of guilt.  Seriously Bush?  Well he broke his leg in Monday Night’s win over the 49ers, it’s not career ending or anything, but he will miss a significant amount of time this season.  Karma strikes again.

So although I’m not karma’s bff or anything, as I’ve had my fair share of “getting my just desserts” … I’m glad to see that karma isn’t prejudice, and anyone can fall victim to its bite.

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